Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, MS C 301 inf = Codex Ambrosianus C 301 inf
  • s. ix
Steinová, Evina, “Technical signs in early medieval manuscripts copied in Irish minuscule”, in: Marieke Teeuwen, and Irene van Renswoude (eds), The annotated book in the early middle ages: practices of reading and writing, Turnhout: Brepols, 2017. 37–85.
Blom, Alderik H., Glossing the Psalms: the emergence of the written vernaculars in western Europe from the seventh to the twelfth centuries, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2017.
91–128   [Pt I, Chapter 5] “Two glossed commentaries: the Milan and Vatican commentaries”
Griffith, Aaron, and David Stifter, “New and corrected MS readings in the Milan glosses”, Études Celtiques 40 (2014): 53–83.  
[FR] Nouvelles lectures et corrections de lecture sur le manuscrit des Gloses de MilanAprès avoir examiné l’édition fac-similé (Best, 1936), ainsi que le manuscrit original (Milan, Codex Ambrosianus 301 C inf.), les auteurs proposent un certain nombre de corrections au texte des Gloses de Milan tel qu’il a été édité dans le Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus I (p. 7-483). Ces corrections, accompagnées d’un commentaire, s’ajoutent à celles qui ont déjà été publiées en ligne sur le site :

[EN] Having inspected the facsimile edition (Best, 1936) as well as the original manuscript (Codex Ambrosianus 301 C inf.), the authors offer a number of corrections to the text of the Milan Glosses as found in the Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus I (p. 7-483). These corrections, together with commentary, supplement those already online at :
Persée – Études Celtiques, vol. 40, 2014: <link>
Griffith, Aaron, and David Stifter, A dictionary of the Old-Irish glosses in the Milan Codex Ambrosianus C 301 inf, Online: Institut für Sprachwissenschaft, Universität Wien, 2007–2013. URL: <>.
Stokes, Whitley, and John Strachan [eds.], Thesaurus palaeohibernicus: a collection of Old-Irish glosses, scholia, prose, and verse, 3 vols, vol. 2: Non-Biblical glosses and scholia; Old-Irish prose; names of persons and places; inscriptions; verse; indexes, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1903.  
comments: Reprinted by DIAS in 1987, together with Stokes' supplementary volume.
Internet Archive: <link> Internet Archive – originally from Google Books: <link> Wikisource: <link>
291–292   “Old Irish verse in the Milan Codex (Bibl. Ambr. C. 301)”

Results for Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, MS C 301 inf (1)